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Great Reads While Traveling

You are finally going on that vacation you’ve been planning forever.  Yay!!  Whether you have a long haul airline flight, some time on the beach, or taking a beat from the fam, here are some great books to lose yourself in.  All are available on Kindle.

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Book Cove Art

Where Did You Go Bernadette

Hilarious book about a woman having a mid life crisis and takes off to Antarctica.

Book Girls

Desperate Girls

Page turning murder mystery from beginning to end

The Rooster Bar Book Cover

The Rooster Bar

Disillusioned law students decide to game the system

Pretty Guilty Women Book Cover

Pretty Guilty Women

A group of women all confess to the same murder.

Thirteen Book Cover


An innocent man is on trial and the real killer is on the jury.


Book Cover Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians

The hilarious novel that inspired the hit movie. Warning: will make you want to go to Singapore.

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