Have you ever wanted to visit Havana, Cuba? Cuba, our flavorful and occasionally controversial neighbor to the south conjures up images of sunshine, mojitos, and Hemingway. It’s all of that and more! There are many misconceptions about visiting Cuba- beginning with its difficult to ...
North America
Hawaii is one of the most popular tourist destinations on Earth, visited by millions each year. Many destinations, Hawaii included, shut down to tourists for a period of time due to Covid-19. Hawaii is back open for tourism with restrictions. Visitors can have a memorable vacation in Hawaii ...
You may have said to yourself when reading the title, “South Dakota, are you sure??” South Dakota is an underrated destination that everyone should make time to visit. It boasts incredible natural beauty, iconic attractions, and friendly people. It is truly an underrated destination, from ...
If you are looking for coastal luxury in Cape Cod, then your search begins and ends with the Chatham Bars Inn. Chatham Bars Inn is a full service luxury oceanfront resort on Cape Cod. The property was built in 1914 by wealthy Bostonians for vacationing. Since then it has been transformed to a ...
Love Disney? Hate Lines? Disney now offers a VIP tour experience that is like nothing else. Take the Disney VIP Tour and it will change the way you visit Walt Disney World! What it is: A private tour for up to 10 guests where you (yes you!) decide the itinerary for the day accompanied by your ...
How Chatham Bars Inn partnered with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy to spread awareness and save Great White Sharks. ***This post may contain affiliate links which means I may received a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. Please read the ...
You are finally going on that vacation you’ve been planning forever. Yay!! Whether you have a long haul airline flight, some time on the beach, or taking a beat from the fam, here are some great books to lose yourself in. All are available on Kindle. This post may contain affiliate links ...
Think Las Vegas is a town only for gambling, drinking, and clubs? Not so fast. Obviously you can channel your inner Kardashian with zero judgment here (hey #WhatHappensInVegas), but Vegas is so much more. Whether you are an animal lover, sugar addict, alcoholic, cheapskate, adrenaline junkie, ...
If you’ve ever read one of my articles or seen any of my social channels, its pretty clear I’m a full blown sugar addict. Everywhere I go I look for the most amazing, mind-blowing, crazy cravable desserts out there. Is sugar tourism a thing? Buckle up and get ready for a massive sugar high at ...
Chicago is a city with as many moods as neighborhoods. The weather can be unpredictable- freezing one day, gale force winds the next. When then weather is good (or just not terrible) it’s a great place to be. It also has a hot street mural scene. Beware, there is always something new and fresh ...